What YOU Can Do?
Write Letters and Emails and/or CALL your representatives!
Sample Letters- that you can customize for your own use:
Vilas County Highway Department, Troy Schalinske - Highway Commissioner, 715-479-4641 (Ext 3), vchwy@vilascountywi.gov
Contact the Media to bring attention to this issue
Social Media- Facebook and InstagramJoin our Facebook Page:
Make sure your friends and neighbors are aware of this issue
Join the "Save our Rustic Road" Facebook page
Place a "Save our Rustic Road" Yard Sign or Banner on your property.
18" x24" Signs are available at the Star Lake Store and Coontail Market in Boulder Junction for $25.00.
Super-size your support with a 4'x 6' Banner for $90. Send us an email at saveourrusticroad@gmail.com and we will order one for you.
Join us to find out how else you can help! Sign up here so that we can keep you up to date.